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The relevance of the research problem of the presented topic is due to the need to study the use of stylistic figures in the Russian language, since they are indicators of the richness of speech.
Literary technique is the use of expressive means and techniques necessary to create a good text. The competent use of literary techniques allows the author to express his individual world and give the work a unique atmosphere. They can also be used in oral speech to increase its emotionality and imagery. The expressive possibilities of the word are supported and strengthened by the associativity of the reader's imaginative thinking, which largely depends on his previous life experience and the psychological characteristics of the work of thought and consciousness as a whole. The lexical means of a language that enhance its expressiveness are called tropes in linguistics (from Greek. tropos — a word or expression used in a figurative sense).
It is impossible to imagine a work of art without a variety of literary techniques harmoniously interwoven into its compositional structure. They help the author to reveal his creative personality, make the work more expressive and demonstrate a skillful command of the word.
The Russian language, like any modern language with long-standing cultural traditions, provides native speakers with a wealth of expressive possibilities, including stylistic ones. However, mastering these language resources requires knowledge, developed linguistic-stylistic intuition and skills in using language units.
The stylistic means of language and the ways of their use are formed gradually, representing a historically changing phenomenon. Accordingly, therefore, they continue to be studied for a long time by researchers-scientists, writers and cultural figures.
Since antiquity, tropes (the use of words in the figurative sense) and figures in the narrow sense of the word (methods of combining words) - although the problem of clearly defining and distinguishing one and the other has always remained open.
Stylistic figures have been known in linguistics since ancient times as the most important ways to increase the expressiveness of speech, as well as such great researchers as Aristotle, Cicero, M. V. Lomonosov, D. E. Rosenthal and others have been engaged in their analysis and classification for many centuries.
Hypothesis: visual and expressive means of language enrich speech, activate the reader's consciousness, help the author to influence the reader most emotionally, and the reader can better feel the problems, the idea, catch the image created by the author.
The degree of study of the topic. Many well-known linguists have studied the visual and expressive means of speech and their role: M. M. Bakhtina, N. S. Bolotnova, F. I. Buslaev, N. S. Valgina, V. V. Vinogradova, G. O. Vinokur, etc. A large number of works are devoted to the study of metonymy and metaphor as means of expressive speech (N. D. Arutyunova, G. G. Kuliyev, L. S. Bilous).
The object of this study is stylistic figures of speech.
The subject of the work is metaphor, metonymy and comparison as literary techniques.
The purpose of this work is to consider the concepts of metaphor, comparison and metonymy.
Objectives of the work:
-to consider the means of increasing the expressiveness of speech: metaphor, metonymy and comparison
-identify the differences between metaphor and metonymy, metaphor and comparison.
The methodology of the work was the method of comparison, classification and analysis of theoretical sources and works of linguists.
The sequence of solving problems determined the structure of the study, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.
Chapter 1. Metaphor, metonymy, and comparison as expressive means of language
1. 1. Means of enhancing the expressiveness of speech
Since the mandatory condition for the creation and existence of artistic speech is the reflection of the author's personal worldview in it, the role of associative verbal connections here increases dramatically, the word is loaded with additional meaning, the text acquires additional semantic and emotional capacity. One of the exceptional features of a literary text is precisely the ability to carry additional information without increasing the message, only due to the special semantic and emotional load of its constituent units and their organization.
«It is in a literary text, as in no other, that various visual and expressive means of language are widely used in order to influence the reader and cause him to have certain feelings, emotions, associations. Expressive and pictorial means of language are usually called figures of speech» [21, P. 14].
The expressive means of language can also include those speech techniques that are not associated with the transfer of the meaning of words or phrases, but are used to enhance the expressiveness of the utterance or to give the utterance an emotional character. This involves units of all language levels.
The name of the tropes comes from the ancient Greek word τρόπος - turn, turn. Literary tropes are "figures of rethinking" when words acquire a new meaning, explained the literary critic Mikhail Gasparov. Paths are widely used in literature, in oratorical art and in everyday communication. They allow you not only to convey information, but to show your attitude towards it, make words more emotional, suggest unexpected thoughts, create a vivid and memorable image.
There is no generally accepted classification of tropes. About some figures of speech, literary scholars argue whether they can be considered tropes. There is also debate about whether different tropes should not be considered varieties of the same figure (for example, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche are particular cases of the same or different phenomena).
Trope is a rhetorical figure, word or an expression used in a figurative sense in order to enhance the imagery of the language, the artistic expressiveness of speech. Tropes are widely used in literary works, oratory and in everyday speech.
Main types of tropes: Epithet, metaphor, comparison, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, lithote, irony, allegory, personification, paraphrase. An epithet is a definition for a word that affects its expressiveness. It is expressed mainly by an adjective, but also by an adverb ("love ardently"), a noun ("fun noise"), a numeral (second life).
Фрагмент для ознакомления
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