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Features of Translating Taboo Lexicon from English into Russian
Abstract. This article focuses on the translation of taboo vocabulary and examines the difficulties that arise in translating these words and phrases from English into Russian. It discusses the cultural and linguistic differences between the two languages that can create challenges in understanding the meaning and impact of taboo vocabulary. Additionally, the article explores the strategies and techniques that translators can use to convey the appropriate tone and connotations of these words in the target language, while preserving the intended meaning of the original text.
Keywords: Translation, Taboo Lexicon, English Language, Russian Language, Culture, Linguistics, Connotation, Meaning.
Introduction. Nowadays, the use of informal language is extremely widespread and is associated with the gradual liberalization of modern society. According to statistical data, the average American uses 230,000 words related to nonstandard vocabulary throughout their lifetime.
Nonstandard vocabulary, which includes slang, jargon, dialects, and vulgarisms, is quite extensive. Some of these lexical units can be widely used in speech, while others are taboo, and their use is considered "criminal."
As a cultural phenomenon, taboos find their reflection not only in language but also in other areas of human activity. Linguistic taboos, in turn, are expressed in the form of a ban on the reproduction of certain concepts, actions, or situations, recognized as unacceptable for society.
The implementation mechanism of taboos at the lexical level is relatively simple. People who speak a particular language are prohibited from using a certain set of words in their communication, containing unacceptable semantics.
Theoretical overview. There are several definitions of the concept of language taboo. Let us consider some of them.
According to the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary, taboo is a prohibition on the use of certain words, expressions, or proper names, associated with the magical function of language, i.e. with the belief in the possibility of direct influence on the surrounding world by means of language. American scholars, in turn, understand language taboo as a complete ban on the use of words and expressions that may cause unpleasant feelings and emotions in the interlocutor (anxiety, worry, embarrassment, shame, fear, etc.), and which can only be referred to in certain circumstances, using synonyms semantically close to the tabooed unit.
British linguists understand a tabooed word as a term that is avoided for religious, political, physiological, or other reasons and which is usually replaced by a euphemism in speech.
Фрагмент для ознакомления
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