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The Anglo-Saxon system of local government, which has become noticeable in the modern world, originated in the UK. Its distribution is a direct consequence of the existence of the British colonial empire and coincides territorially with the borders of this empire during its heyday. However, as in the case of the Romanesque system, the legal schemes of the colonialists did not take root well in the traditional societies of Asia and Africa. Therefore, one can speak seriously about the existence of the Anglo-Saxon system only in relation to countries that have repeated the British or American path of development: from an industrial society to a consumer society, from a traditional or fragmented society to a modern democratic state.
Local government - an integral part of counties, counties and other administrative units of the United Kingdom.
Local government is an elected body. He has the powers imposed on him by parliament, but if he exceeds these powers, then the inhabitants of this administrative unit can sue him.
A large-scale reform of the local government of England and Wales was carried out in 1974, and in Scotland in 1975, after which England and Wales began to be divided into counties and counties. The local government of London was reorganized in 1965, and Northern Ireland in 1973.
Local authorities and local government reform. At all levels of the administrative-territorial division of the United Kingdom, local government is represented by local authorities. Self-government in administrative-territorial units is carried out by councils elected by the population. The exception is the counties of Northern Ireland and the metropolitan counties of England, as well as Greater London.
In June 1997, Great Britain signed the European Charter of Local Self-Government, which provides for certain standards of the rights of local authorities in European countries. Although a major reform of local government was carried out in 1974 - 1975, the accession of Great Britain to the European Charter implied new changes. So, in the framework of the constitutional reform carried out by the Labor Party, on May 2, 1998, a referendum was held on the restoration of the City Assembly and the election of the
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List of references
1. Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries / Ed. M.V. Baglaya, Yu.I. Leibo, L.M. Entina. M .: Norma, 2004.S. 434 - 435
2. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-ob-osobennostyah-britanskoy-modeli-mestnogo-samoupravleniya-upravleniya On the features of the British model of local self-government (management)2019
3. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-podhody-k-mestnomu-upravleniyu-i-samoupravleniyu-v-zarubezhnyh-stranah Modern approaches to local governance and self-government in foreign countries 2018
4. Langinen A.V. The main results of the reform of local government and self-government in the UK // Scientific Bulletin of the Ural Academy of Public Administration. 2009