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Fashion performs a very important role in human life. Every human in his life tries to follow fashion trends and understand where and what to put on. We know about fashion novelties from TV screens, pages of fashion magazines.
What is fashion? Fashion is the short domination of a certain liking in the surrounding life or culture. This is a temporary fancy whim in society, in clothes and attire. Following fashion means using its main direction, new silhouettes, characteristic color combinations, dressing principles. An important feature of fashion is changeability.
Human has always pressed for renewal and change. The world around us is changing - so is the form of clothing. Fashion always keeps up with the times. And it's natural. In our time, the textile industry is developing - new fabrics and materials appear, the modern tempo of life requires comfortable clothing. Each human is looking for what suits him, and fashion only suggests you how to emphasize your individuality.
In Russia, the first attempts to refuse from the traditional costume appeared at the end of the XVIIth century. As Russia developed business contacts with the countries of Western Europe, old Russian clothes began to seem ugly and uncomfortable.
Peter I gave impetus for fashion, in particular German. In a enactment issued in 1701, all types of clothing that Russian people could wear - both men and women. Clothes were sewn by Moscow tailors and brought by merchants from Europe. Since then, clothes have become more and more refined.
Writing about fashion began in the XIXth century in magazines and newspapers in the fashion section with pictures of new products, in which fashionistas were told how they dressed in Paris, what fabrics they wore, what accessories they used. Moscow textile factories produced both inexpensive and expensive fabrics.
Russian fashion of the XXth century was under the influence by the fashion trends of Paris.
Russian fashion of the XXIst century is characterized by a mixture of styles that include an integral image from different eras. The main features are courage and a propensity for experimentation, which will allow you to create your own unique style.
However, it should be denoted that in our time there are certain meaning for recommending how representatives of various professions should dress and how to look in specific situations of everyday life.
1. Story of Russian fashion
Ever since clothing has become not only a means of protection from the bad weather, but also a means of self-expression for a human, he began to think about its aesthetic function.
Clothing can tell about the culture of a human and his attachment to a particular people. With the help of clothes, he can differ from the people around him.
Fashion in general has always pressed to create a fresh impression. Thus, human clothing is a symbol of the unique existence of both an individual and an entire nation. And if a historical costume is a page from the history of the past, then modern clothes will tell about the great variety and particular qualities of modern peoples.
Russian style is associated with beautiful and touching light likenesses. It is characterized by fur and shine. Such clothes have always been considered a sign of wealth.
Fashion is the display history of any nation. In this abstract we will focus on Russian fashion from the time of Emperor Peter I to the present day.
1.1. Features of Russian fashion of the XVIII century
The Russian style has been greatly influenced by Europe since the reign of Peter I the Great, when the idea of the country's economic modernization was born. Its own light industry was developed, which means that new clothes should have stimulated its development.
The change of costume had a certain political significance. Trade and cultural communication with Europe was of particular importance. The boyars studied and worked abroad, so it was necessary to comply with all-European fashion trends.
Women were required to wear low-cut gowns with wide skeletal skirts, cinched the waist into a tight bodice, wear a wig and high heels, and apply bright makeup. Men wore a shirt with a lace frill, a fitted woolen caftan, stockings and shoes with buckles. They wore a wig.
In contradistinction to the upper estates, the peasants did not shave their beards. Women braided their hair. The peasants usually wore a shirt, ports and a caftan.
The main clothes of peasant women were a dress, shirt or shirt, long, swinging sundress.
1.2. Features of Russian fashion of the XIX century
Clothing and the textile from which it was sewn was a sign of attachment to a particular social estate. In the XIXth century, the nobles wore a stiff collar with a tie, and the peasant wore a kosovorotka. The townspeople wore trousers loose, and the peasants tucked them into boots.
Middle-class women wore modest dresses before marriage. After the wedding - clothes from more expensive matter and hats. They were primarily interested in the quality of the textile.
Men's and women's shoes in Moscow were made by shoemakers and shoemakers
At the end of the XIXth century, retail trade developed in Moscow: goods were presented to customers in retail shops. Here they sell clothes, underwear, hats, scarves, umbrellas, lace, silk ribbons.
1.3. Features of Russian fashion of the XX century
Fashion in Russia in the XXth century was quite remarkable, which was especially influenced by such a style as modern.
The women's wardrobe of the early XXth century was characterized by lace-up corsets, long skirts, and tapered sleeves.
High-waisted cropped jackets have appeared in the men's wardrobe. The men's suit has acquired a more elongated silhouette. Suits were worn with pipe trousers and a tightly buttoned jacket.
In the fashion of the second half of the XXth century, there are significant changes in both women's and men's fashion.
The production of ready-to-wear suits is getting better: loose long jackets, button-down shirts, a tight tie, Oxford shoes, a black wool coat and a felt hat.
The world of Soviet women's fashion is dominated by synthetic fabrics, which were considered comfortable and practical, they do not wrinkle and are easy to wash, and besides, they are cheap. There is no specific style, everything was fashionable: ethnic, disco, hippie, minimalism, retro, sports style.
1.4. Features of Russian fashion of the XXI century
Fashion trends of the XXIst century in Russia practically do not differ from European fashion. A special role is performed by freedom in everyday life, the ease of movement and travel, the interweaving of different cultures. Currently, there is a tendency to update the old, well-forgotten, and combine already invented things into an original set, mixing styles and textiles.
2. Features of the dress - code in the XXI century
The dress- code does not foreclose individuality in clothing and does not prevent a creative attitude towards one's appearance. Dress - code is the rules in the style of clothing that should be observed by representatives of different professions and in different situations, whether it is going to the theater, a restaurant, playing sports, working, etc.
The following are the types of dress - code.
Casual style is characterized by neat and comfortable clothes that can be worn to a meeting, a walk, to the shopping:
The elegant style is more formal and is suitable for casual work meetings. Women can wear dress pants, a knee-length skirt, blouse or T-shirt. Men should wear a jacket and pair it with trousers or plain jeans and a shirt:
Strictly business style must be adhered to at negotiations, conferences and business events. Women must wear a business suit, pencil skirt or sheath dress. Men - a classic trouser suit and a strict shirt, allowed with a tie:
Cocktail party outfit is called Cocktail, it is appropriate for evening events, premieres, birthdays, family events and social events. Women can wear a dress without sleeves and a collar with off-shoulders and collarbones. Heeled shoes and fine jewelry. Loose hair or curls are acceptable. Men, as a rule, to wear a nice trouser suit made of expensive textile, a dress shirt and leather boots. Complement the image of cufflinks, a leather belt and an expensive watch:
The most solemn style is typical for people with a high social status. Events - a ball, a royal reception or the Nobel Prize. Women's hair is necessarily styled in a high hairstyle, an evening dress on the floor, expensive jewelry, and gloves. Men pick up a black tailcoat, matching trousers with stripes of satin or braid, a white shirt with a stand-up collar and a stiff front, cufflinks, a white waistcoat, a white bow tie, white or gray gloves, black patent leather shoes and black socks:
As you can see, the dress - code is an important part of the corporate culture and ethics of any organization. It can be safely attributed to a tool that allows you to quickly join a new team, quickly make a career.
Russian national costume is a traditional set of clothes, shoes and accessories that has developed over many centuries, which was used by Russian people in everyday and festive use. It had its own characteristics depending on the specific region, gender, purpose and age.
These traditions were almost completely eradicated by Peter I, preferring the Western European style of clothing. For three centuries, Russian fashion has been constantly changing, falling under the influence of Europe.
This influence can also be observed in the modern world. People have forgotten their national costumes. There was a loss of Russian culture.
Fashion has always performed important social functions: it expressed the traditions and liking of the population, guaranteed to attract the attention of others, increased the level of self-esteem, updated and developed the culture of society in different periods of history.
From this we can conclude that fashion has a very strong impact on human psychology. But still, it is worth noting that this influence is positive, because it improves mood, satisfies human needs, self-development, facilitates communication between people, thereby reducing the risk of interpersonal conflicts in society.